Das Wettrennen gegen die Wasserknappheit in Hongkong
Hongkong ist umgeben von Wasser und im Sommer kommt es durch geftige Tropenstürme regelmäßig zu Überschwemmungen. Trotzdem leidet die Küstenstadt unter extremer Wasserknappheit und ist komplett abhängig vom Festland China. [auf Englisch]
The race to solve Hong Kong’s silent water crisis
This was one of the fastest feature stories I have written. I had done the research, conducted lots of interviews, and cross-checked the numbers. When I sat down to write the story, I knew exactly how I wanted to tell it.
Climate activists are disproportionately often put into police custody
For this piece, a colleague and I tracked down people affected by a new police custody rule. We used FOIA and parliamentary inquiries to compile a complete list of cases spanning several years, and were able to show that the law was primarily used against climate activists.