Influencer in Uniform: Wenn die Exekutive viral geht
Für diese groß angelegte Datenanalyse, haben meine Kollegen und ich mehr als 100 Twitter Accounts der deutschen Polizei untersucht. Der Bayerische Journalisten Verband hat sie mit dem zweiten Platz des Preises zur Pressefreiheit ausgezeichnet.
Climate activists are disproportionately often put into police custody
For this piece, a colleague and I tracked down people affected by a new police custody rule. We used FOIA and parliamentary inquiries to compile a complete list of cases spanning several years, and were able to show that the law was primarily used against climate activists.
Influencers in uniform: The German police goes viral
For this first-of-its-kind data analysis, my colleagues and I examined more than 100 Twitter accounts by German police. The Bavarian Journalist Association awarded it second place in its Price for Press Freedom. It also received the extra prize of the jury from the Surveillance Studies Network.